DA Fiscal Management Goals.pdf
DAF Administration of Federal Grant Funds.pdf
DB Annual Budget.pdf
DBB Fiscal Year.pdf
DBC Budget Planning.pdf
DBI Budget Implementation.pdf
DBJ Transfer of Appropriation.pdf
DEB DEC Revenues from State and Federal Taxes.pdf
DFA Investment.pdf
DFD Gate Receipts and Admission Fee.pdf
Checked Out To: Ward, KerrieDFD Gate Receipts and Admission Fee.pdf
Checked Out To: Ward, Kerrie
DFE Copyright Patents and Royalties.pdf
DG Depository of Funds.pdf
DGA Authorized Signatures.pdf
DH Bonded Employees and Officers.pdf
DI Fiscal Accounting and Reporting.pdf
DIA Fund Balances.pdf
DID Fixed Assets (Inventories).pdf
DIE Audits.pdf
DIH Fraud Prevention and Fiscal Management.pdf
DJ Purchasing.pdf
DJB Purchasing Procedures.pdf
DJC Petty Cash Accounts.pdf
DJD Cooperative Purchasing.pdf
DJE Bidding Requirements.pdf
DJG Vendor Relations.pdf
DJGA Sales Calls and Demonstrations.pdf
DJGB Gifts and Gratuties.pdf
DK Payments, Checks & Manifests.pdf
DKA Payroll Procedures.pdf
DKB Summer Payment of Bills.pdf
DKC Expense Reimbursements.pdf
DKD Compensatory Time.pdf
DL School Student Activity Funds.pdf
DM Cash in School Buildings.pdf
DN School Properties Disposal Procedure.pdf
DO Food Service Meal Account Balances.pdf